Project One Directions


Last modified on March 08, 2025 07:14:21 Eastern Standard Time

The goal of this project is to create several different regression models and select the model that best predicts the response variable in a future data set the model has never seen.

  1. Form a group of no fewer than two and no greater than four classmates.
  2. Select one of the following data sets from the modeldata package:
Data Predict
lending_club funded_amnt
ames Sale_Price
car_prices Price
concrete compressive_strength
hotel_rates avg_price_per_room
  1. Create at least three regression models using different specifications from the parsnip package.
  2. Create train and test sets.
  3. Use ten-fold cross-validation to tune all hyperparameters in your models.
  4. Report the test RMSE and R2 for your trained models.
  5. Use the provided Quarto template as a start to creating a 6 to 10 minute presentation. Hide code you do not want to show during your presentation; but, make sure all the code you used to create the models is embedded in the slides.